
H20 Pollution Possible Solutions

     In the United States, the Clean Water Act was written to completly put an end to all dumping of pollutants in the water. The law has not been that effectice in many areas, but in other locations it has recieved goals. Since the Clean Water Act, other legislation has been enacted as well. Now, eleven different federal government agencies and 21 federal government programs all monitor the quality of  water and regulate polution.
     The world has spent tremendous sums of money trying to clean up water.  From 1972-1990, the US spent over $250 billion.  Many non-governmental projects are also being carry out in an effort to clean up the water.  Industries are beginning to reduce the amount of chemicals they dump into water, and environmental groups are participating in cleanup projects. To keep the water from being polluted we could enact new laws, make items bio-degradable, and volunteer to clean the water in free time, or pick up trash when you see it.

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